Climate Change: 2018 4th Warmest Year

The Article

Climate change is one of the biggest threats mankind has to face, and it’s an issue that only grows in intensity over time. Last month, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration highlighted the severity of this issue in a research article meant to explain the real dangers of climate change. NASA gathered data from all over the planet while researching this issue. They used 6,300 weather stations to measure surface temperatures in various locations. They also used ships and buoys to measure oceanic temperatures to see how they have changed overtime. The Arctic areas were heavily focused on as temperatures gathered in Arctic regions were found to be affected most. This large shift in Arctic temperatures has led to an increased rate of ice and glacial melting, causing an increase in sea levels. Along with an increase in sea levels, climate change can also cause an increase in natural fires, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters. The techniques used to gather and monitor temperature readings has changed throughout the years, but NASA is confident that their data is accurate, within 0.1 degree Fahrenheit.


The issue of climate change is one that doesn’t just affect this generation. It’s an issue that will worsen and cause irreversible problems for future generations. The rise in sea level experienced today could mean large scale displacement and flooding, spelling disaster for any coastal populations. In the past few years we have already witnessed the harsh effects of hurricanes and wildfire activity. It is important that the public is aware of climate change to work now to prevent it from worsening. This education also comes with the premise of voting for officials that are passionate about making a positive change in the way of taking care of our environment. This is an issue that cannot be ignored or swept under the rug,

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